Most of the news you hear in the US about Sri Lanka isn’t good (if you hear any news at all). There was the horrible civil war that raged for decades and introduced the world to the explosive-vested suicide bomber. The country was hit hard by the 2004 Christmas tsunami, killing tens of thousands of people, more than anywhere except Indonesia. You may have heard earlier this year about a sort-of-coup that led to the prime minister being illegally removed from office by the president.
But on the ground in Sri Lanka, it is hard not to see the country as a success story with a bright future ahead. The civil war ended in 2009 and the country seems determined to put it in the past. The “losing” ethnic group now votes predominantly for the victorious general’s political party. No signs of the tsunami devastation remain. The supreme court reinstated the prime minister and the politicians grudgingly made up. It is still a poor country but the economy is growing fast, malaria was eradicated in 2016 and there is universal free healthcare. We saw almost no begging, homelessness or glaring disparities in wealth, a big difference from Seattle. The cities are tidy and the countryside lush. Overall, the vibe in the country is one of friendliness and optimism.

We started our trip to Sri Lanka in its second largest city, Galle (which we found hard to remember is pronounced “Gaul”). Galle is divided into two parts: the Fort and New Town. The Fort is a 400 year old walled city built by the Portuguese as an important European trading post for spices and other Asian goods. While the Portuguese left long ago, the Fort today is again occupied by Europeans but now they are tourists. We walked every cobblestone street in the Fort and the well-preserved colonial buildings were all filled with trendy boutiques, boutique hotels and restaurants. We were excited that the shopkeepers were so unexcited by our presence that we could browse unmolested. We were a bit torn about what to make of it. On one hand, it was very pleasant and picturesque (the giant stone walls of the fort have a beautiful ocean view) but we also couldn’t help thinking that it was missing the essence of the country by being such a Disneyfied tourist trap. But as we explored more of the country, we did learn that the tidiness and calm of the Fort was in character for Sri Lanka, though perhaps the Fort was the most extreme example of that unextremity.
The New Town of Galle is only “new” compared to the Fort and didn’t have the glistening skyscrapers we would see later in the capital Colombo. It was a real working smallish city that was just as easygoing and approachable as the Fort but clearly did not expect to have any stray tourists wandering about. No souvenir shops or fancy boutiques were visible among the busy storefronts. But they had something for sale that is the stuff of our dreams: piles of fresh mangosteens, our favorite fruit in the world, for about 10 cents each. In the rare times you can find a mangosteen in the US they cost at least 20 times as much and are usually rotten inside. Brian got a good workout lugging around 12 pounds of mangosteens while we finished our sightseeing.
Outside of town, we took a tour of a tea plantation. Sri Lanka shares the title of largest tea exporting country with China and Kenya(!). The tea is still harvested by hand and processed by giant iron machinery, much of it looks to be left over from British colonial times. The process of making tea is surprising complicated: plucking, withering, disruption, oxidation, fixation, sweltering, rolling, drying, curing, and sorting. When you drink a cup of tea, it isn’t just some shriveled up leaves.
A longer excursion into the countryside was a trip to the city of Kandy in the central highlands of the country. It is a traditional tea growing region and we flew over beautiful terraced fields on the seaplane we took there. The main attraction of Kandy is the Temple of the Tooth. The temple is a large complex built to house the left upper canine tooth of Buddha, one of the (too) many little bits of him that are said to have survived his funeral pyre and are housed and venerated in temples around the world. The tooth is kept in seven nested golden caskets which are housed in an ornate wood and ivory shrine inside a large temple. We were told by our guide that the temple is a popular destination for pilgrims, especially so because the tooth is sometimes taken out for public viewing while most of the other relics around the world are encased permanently in sealed structures called stupas. As we stood by the shrine being circled by worshipers from around the world, we asked our guide when was the tooth last displayed, hoping that maybe we’d get lucky. About 20 years ago.
Instead of flying back from Kandy, we took a train. Trains are always an interesting way to see an area from behind the scenes. We passed through amber fields of rice, watched several back lot volleyball games (the national sport) and peering into people’s back yards while they were doing their laundry. We did pass through some shanty towns built along the tracks but they were pretty nice as shanties go, with concrete walls and satellite dishes.
Our last countryside excursion was to Brief Garden. It was the estate of Bevis Bawa, a mid-century architect who, along with his brother Geoffrey, created the “tropical modern” school of architecture and landscape design. Bevis died without an heir and left his estate to his gardeners who now run it as a public park/museum. The official web site for the estate says that during his lifetime Bevis had to fend “off the unwanted attentions of Colombo society who saw him as one of the most eligible bachelors around.” The numerous statues and paintings of nude men around the house make it clear why he remained a “confirmed bachelor.”

The house and grounds are beautiful but unremarkable today because of the success of the Bawa brothers’ architectural movement. We’ve seen many similar places in Hawaii and around the world. But we can appreciate how amazing it is that a 90 year old house and garden still looks “modern”, not unlike seeing a Frank Lloyd Wright creation. We had some fun wildlife spotting on the trip: a troop of shy monkeys and many flamboyant birds in the garden, and a 5 foot monitor lizard strolling down the driveway as we left. We also saw one close-up basking in the sun outside the restaurant where we stopped for lunch.
This post is getting pretty long, Colombo will be saved for another day.
What a splendid post. Love all the colorful photos. Thanks for sharing!
WOW! The colors in the city are so vibrant.